L-849I LED REILS Runway End Identifier Light System L-849I LED REILS Runway End Identifier Light System The Navigate Series® L-849I LED Runway End Identifier Light (REIL) System is a landing aid for pilots to identify the approach end of a runway and help provide adequate time for pilots to plan...
FTS 830 Current Driven Airport Lighting FTS 830 Current Driven Airport Lighting The FTS 830 is a current-driven unidirectional approach light that identifies runway end or the acquisition of an active runway. It can be used as a simple runway end identifier lights (REIL) or as an addition to...
FTS 430 Current Driven Airport Lighting FTS 430 Current Driven Airport Lighting The FTS 430 is a current-driven omnidirectional approach light that identifies runway end or the acquisition of an active runway. It can be used as a simple runway end identifier light (REIL) or complete...
REIL And RTIL Light - FTS 812(L) LED Light FTS 812(L) LED REIL And RTIL Lights APPROACH LIGHTING A runway threshold identification light (RTIL) or runway end identifier light (REIL) system consists of two synchronized, unidirectional flashing lights visible from three miles during the day and...
PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator) Visual Guidance Lighting System PAPI (E Spec) (Precision Approach Path Indicator) Visual Guidance Lighting System The PAPI is a visual aid that provides guidance information to help a pilot acquire and maintain the correct approach (in the vertical plane) to an airport. It is...
PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator) Visual Guidance Lighting System PAPI (AC Spec) (Precision Approach Path Indicator) Visual Guidance Lighting System The AC Spec PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator) is a visual guidance lighting system that provides positive visual indication of an aircraft's position relative to...
MALSR Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System MALSR (Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights) The MALSR - Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System is a medium approach intensity lighting system (ALS) installed in airport runway approach zones along the...
L-850 A/B/T LED In-Set Light - Runway Centerline, Touchdown Zone, Runway Intersections L-850 A/B/T LED Style-3 In-set Light Runway Centerline, Touchdown Zone, Runway Intersections L-850 A/B/T LED Style-3 in-set light fixtures are used in many applications: runway centerlines, touchdown zones and runway intersections...
Vertiport LED Beacon L-801H(L) - Vertiport Beacons Vertiport LED Beacon L-801H(L) Features white, green, and yellow LED lamps, long lamp life
Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) AV-PAPI Series 3 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) AV-PAPI Series 3 LED PAPI recently completed FAA L-880/881 (L) Intertek certification to AC 150/5345-28H Style A Class I (certification pending for Style B). It also completed ICAO photometric and chromaticity...
PAPI PRECISION APPROACH PATH INDICATOR (L-880/L-881) PAPI PRECISION APPROACH PATH INDICATOR (L-880/L-881) The PAPI System consists of a three lamp Light Housing Assembly as the main component. Additional components include Power and Control Unit, Series Circuit Lamp Shorting Devices with integral Tilt...
MFL Multi-Function Airport Lighting Inset Light Multi-Function Inset Light MFL is a multi-function light, which is generally used for approach centreline, crossbars and side rows lighting. It can be used for threshold marking too. MFL uses 105W or 60W lamps in order to satisfy FAAE-2952 and...
LED Inset Flashing Light LED Inset Flashing Light APPLICATIONS: Flashing light system for Approach Sequential Flash Light (SFL), Runway Threshold Identification Light (RTIL) and Circling Guidance Light (CGL). COMPLIANT with the Current Edition of the following Specs:...
LED Inset Approach Light LED INSET APPROACH LIGHT Approach (centreline and crossbars) and Approach Side Row Barrettes for ICAO CAT I, II and III, and military runways. APPLICATIONS: Approach (centreline and crossbars) and Approach Side Row Barrettes for ICAO CAT I, II...
LED Elevated Runway Guard Light, Medium-Intensity - L-804(L) / ERGL-L The L-804 (L) Runway Guard Light is an elevated unidirectional flashing yellow light fixture that provides a distinctive warning to pilots that they are approaching a runway holding position and are about to enter an active runway. FAA L-804(L) AC...
PRO APF L-804 RGL Runway Guard Light - LED PRO APF L-804 RGL Runway Guard Light - LED The PRO APF L-804 RGL Runway Guard Light is used to enhance the visibility of taxiway holding positions, preventing runway incursions and warning pilots they are approaching an active runway. Two RGL...
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator The PAPI System provides the pilot a positive visual indication of the aircraft’s position relative to the optimal glide slope during final approach to the runway. The L-880 PAPI system consists of four...
ALSF Flasher System Approach & Navigational Aids - ALSF Flasher System Precision approach to runway in visibility conditions where the runway visual range (RVR), is less than one-half mile requiring steady-burning approach lights with sequence flashing lights...