Solar Taxiway And VFR Runway Light AV-70 Solar Aviation And Taxiway Light AV-70 The solar-powered AV-70 is a field-proven aviation light that offers enormous benefits over traditional battery and hard-wired aviation lights including low maintenance and no underground wiring. These completely...
Solar LED Airfield & Obstruction Markers Solar LED Airfield & Obstruction Markers The solar LED markers are used to illuminate runways, taxiways, and airport obstructions for visual recognition. Solar LED markers are used to illuminate taxiway/runway edges, centerlines and...
Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-70 Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-70 The AV-OL-70 is a field proven, low maintenance, self-contained solar LED light that is suitable for a variety of applications including general hazard, caution, barricade and low-intensity obstruction lighting...
Low Intensity Obstruction Light - Solar ICAO Type A AV-OL-75 Low Intensity Type A Solar Obstruction Light ICAO Type A AV-OL-75 The AV-OL-75 is a lightweight solar-powered ICAO Type A Low Intensity Obstruction Light available with optional Satcom and GSM connectivity. The light is suitable to mark aerial...
Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-60 The AV-OL-60 is a field proven, low maintenance, self-contained solar LED light that is suitable for a variety of applications including general hazard, caution, barricade and low-intensity obstruction lighting. Features Independent of power...