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Solar Airport & Airfield Lighting

  • Solar Taxiway And VFR AV-70, Solar Threshold Light Solar Obstruction Light AV-70, Solar Barricade Light

    Solar Taxiway And VFR Runway Light AV-70

    Solar Aviation And Taxiway Light AV-70 The solar-powered AV-70 is a field-proven aviation light that offers enormous benefits over traditional battery and hard-wired aviation lights including low maintenance and no underground wiring. These completely...

  • FAA L-810 Single Fixture Obstruction Light (Avlite-FAA-L-810) FAA L-810  Obstruction Light

    FAA L-810 Single Fixture Obstruction Light

    Avlite FAA L-810 Single Fixture Obstruction Light - Avlite Description:  This single light fixture is a steady burning, low intensity LED obstruction light certified to FAA L-810 requirements. The model can be used for marking obstacles which pose...

  • Gable Airfield Markers (AV-GM)

    Gable Airfield Markers (AV-GM)

    Gable Airfield Markers (AV-GM) Gable Airfield Markers are rotationally-moulded using UV-stabilised polyethylene, providing exceptionally long life without the need for painting. Gable Airfield Markers can be used on unsealed runways to define the graded...

  • FAA L-810 Dual Fixture Obstruction Light Dual light fixture, low intensity LED obstruction light certified to FAA L-810 requirements.

    FAA L-810 Dual Fixture Obstruction Light

    FAA L-810 Dual Fixture Obstruction Light Description: This dual light fixture is a steady burning, low intensity LED obstruction light certified to FAA L-810 requirements. The model can be used for marking obstacles which pose a threat to...

  • Large Cone Markers (750mm): AV-LC

    Large Cone Markers (750mm): AV-LC

    Large Cone Markers (750mm) AV-LC - Avlite Systems range of airport cone markers are rotationally-moulded using UV-stabilised polyethylene, providing exceptionally long-life without the need for painting. By keeping the manufacturing process in-house...

  • Low Intensity Solar FAA L-810 ICAO Type A And B AV-OL-310 Avlite Low Intensity Solar FAA L-810 AV-OL-310

    Low Intensity Solar FAA L-810 ICAO Type A and B AV-OL-310

    Low Intensity Solar FAA L-810 ICAO Type A And B AV-OL-310 Avlite’s self-contained solar light fixture is a steady burning, low intensity LED obstruction light designed to comply with FAA L-810 or ICAO Low Intensity Type A and B requirements. The...

  • Solar MIRL Runway Light A704 Solar  Runway Light A704

    Solar MIRL Runway Light A704

    A704 solar MIRL runway lights meet FAA and ICAO requirements for medium intensity runway edge lights, runway threshold lights, runway end lights and simple approach lighting. The solar runway lights are available in 3 battery sizes enabling up to 1000...

  • Pilot Activated Lighting Control AV-PALC

    Pilot Activated Lighting Control AV-PALC

    Pilot Activated Lighting Control AV-PALC Avlite’s wireless network can be integrated to a third party Pilot Activated Lighting Controller (AV-PALC), to allow approaching aircraft to activate lighting on unmanned aerodromes or heliports via VHF...

  • MILITARY Aviation And Taxiway Light MILITARY Aviation And Taxiway Light

    MILITARY Aviation And Taxiway Light FAA And ICAO AV-70

    MILITARY Aviation And Taxiway Light FAA And ICAO AV-70 The AV-70 is a next-generation, self-contained solar light specifically designed to survive the harshest environments with minimal ongoing maintenance. These completely self-contained LED lights...

  • LED Runway Light A704
LED fixture: medium-intensity runway edge & threshold (MIRL); high-intensity runway edge & threshold (HIRL); taxiway lighting; NVG operations; emergency airfields; and helipads.

    LED Runway Light A704

    LED Runway Light A704 The Solar LED runway light is a self-contained, low-maintenance, easy-to-install solar-powered light source for traditional airfield runway requirements and other general purpose marking. Applications for this LED fixture include:...

  • Solar LED airfield & obstruction markers

    Solar LED Airfield & Obstruction Markers

    Solar LED Airfield & Obstruction Markers  The solar LED markers are used to illuminate runways, taxiways, and airport obstructions for visual recognition. Solar LED markers are used to illuminate taxiway/runway edges, centerlines and...

  • LED Solar Airfield Light A650
Applications for this LED fixture include: taxiway and apron edge Wireless LED Solar Airfield Light A650

    LED Solar Airfield Light A650

    LED Solar Airfield Light A650 The Solar LED airfield light is a self-contained, high-performance, low-maintenance and easy-to-install solar-powered light source for traditional airfield taxiway requirements and general purpose marking. Applications for...

  • Runway Lights L-861 & L-861E/SE LED 
L-861 LED Medium Intensity Runway Light ( L-861-LED)

    L-861 LED Medium Intensity Runway Light

    L-861, L-861E & L-861SE LED Medium Intensity Runway Light L-861 LED elevated light fixtures are used to delineate the edges of airport runways and displaced thresholds. L-861E LED elevated light fixtures are used to delineate airport runway...

  • A704-VL Solar Taxiway - Helipad Lights A704-VL Solar Taxiway Lights

    A704-VL Solar Taxiway Lights - Solar Helipad Lights

    A704-VL Solar Taxiway And Helipad Lights Solar helipad lights and heliport lighting systems are a dependable alternative to a generator or grid-powered lighting for ground, rooftop, offshore, temporary or remote heliports. A704-VL helicopter landing...

  • Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-70

    Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-70

    Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-70 The AV-OL-70 is a field proven, low maintenance, self-contained solar LED light that is suitable for a variety of applications including general hazard, caution, barricade and low-intensity obstruction lighting...

  • Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-60 Solar Obstruction Light AV-OL-60

    Solar Obstruction Barricade Light AV-OL-60

    The AV-OL-60 is a field proven, low maintenance, self-contained solar LED light that is suitable for a variety of applications including general hazard, caution, barricade and low-intensity obstruction lighting. Features Independent of power...

Supplier of Solar Airport Lighting: Approach, Threshold, Runway Edge & End Lighting,

Portable Solar Airport Lighting

  • Medium Intensity Runway Edge Lighting: Fixtures positioned along the edges of the runway emitting white light, except in the caution zone which is the last 610m of runway or half the runway length (whichever is less). 

  • Runway Threshold/ End Lighting: Fixtures positioned at either end of a runway consisting of at least six fixtures equally spaced not more than three metres from the runway extremity. Bi-directional red/green lighting must be used if the airfield is used in both directions. .

  • Approach Lighting Systems: A simple approach lighting system should be provided to serve a non-precision approach runway, except when the runway is used only in conditions of good visibility or sufficient guidance is provided by other visual aids. 

  • Taxiway Lighting: Fixtures along the edges of each taxiway emitting blue light.
  • Helicopter Landing Zone & Traffic Control Beacons

Genesis Lamp provides world-class solar aviation lighting solutions for defense, government, civil and humanitarian aid operations in a range of remote and extreme environments.