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Bug Light Bulbs

Bug Light Bulbs - Yellow bug lamps work by using a filtered yellow glass to prevent insect attraction. Deter bugs from your outdoor activities. Use Yellow CFL Bug Lights and save Energy.

Spending time on a front porch or deck can be heavenly when the weather is crisp and cool, but the lighting in this area can often attract insects and other pests if not chosen carefully. Yellow bug light bulbs are often a preferred choice because they tend to attract fewer insects than standard lamps. This is simply because humans and insects see light differently. Humans see light from the longer range of the light spectrum, whereas insects see best from the shorter end of the spectrum closest to ultraviolet light. Since yellow bug lamps minimize the amount of short spectrum light output, fewer bugs are attracted to this type of bulb.

LED Bug Light Bulbs

LED bug light bulbs are another viable alternative because these bulbs emit light in a narrow spectrum and do not emit any UV light at all. This makes LED bug light bulbs both energy-efficient and highly unattractive to insects of all kinds.