EZL 6.6A 200w Elevated Edge Lamp
Genesis Lamp Brand
Description: This airport lighting tungsten halogen lamp is a 6.6 amp - 200 watt on a GZ9.5 ceramic base. Filament is a flat C Bar 6.
Light center is 39 mm from bottom of ceramic. Bulb life is 500 hours and nominal light output is 200 lumens at center.
Airport lighting application: High intensity elevated runway edge - Runway threshold/end
FAA airport lighting designation: L-862 - L-862E
EZL 6.6A 200W Elevated Edge Lamp
ADB: 48A0088, Crouse Hinds: 20172, GE: 40702, Osram: 58750 |
Custom Field
EZL 6.6A 200w Elevated Edge Lamp - Airport Lighting - Genesis Lamp AL-007-0071 /content/EZL-light-bulb.pdf