6.6A/65w Centerline Bulb (fused) GN484-F
Airport Lighting
Description: This airport lighting halgoen lamp is a 6.6 amp - 65 watt with cutout (fuse) with double ended keyed brass bases with lamp leads fixed to brass washers.
Center line of the bases is 3.69". Bulb life is 1000 hours. Nominal light output is 900 lumens at center. Filament is C6.
Airport Light Bulb Cross Reference
Crouse-Hinds - 19484F Siemens/ADB - 2990.48.173
6.6A/65w Centerline Bulb - Fused - GN484-F
Custom Field
6.6A/65w Centerline Bulb (fused) GN484-F - Airport Lighting (AL-003-0015) /content/GN-484F.pdf