SALE L861 & L861Q - 30 inch Stake Mount L861 & L861Q - 30 in. Stake Mount Description: L861 & L861Q - 30 in. Stake Mount Airport Lighting – Airport Runway Light Fixtures and Hardware Cross Reference: Genesis Lamp, ADB Airfield Solutions, Crouse-Hinds, Flight Light,... $40.65 $38.75 Add to Cart
PATHFINDER L-861 T (LED) ELEVATED TAXIWAY LIGHT PATHFINDER L-861 T (LED) ELEVATED TAXIWAY LIGHT Long Life LED Source - 100,000 Hours Resulting in Less Maintenance FEATURES: Direct replacement into existing taxiway using the same CCR and existing transformer LED source and LED driver mounted inside...
FAA L-861T(L) ETES-L LED Elevated Taxiway Edge Light Taxiway Edge, L-861T(L) Omnidirectional elevated (ETES-1110 ) RELIANCE ETES-L LED elevated light fixture MEDIUM-INTENSITY FAA L-861T(L) Used to delineate the edges of airport taxiways. RELIANCE ETES-L LED elevated light fixture is...
L-823 PRIMARY COMPLETE CONNECTOR KITS L-823 PRIMARY COMPLETE CONNECTOR KITS Integro Primary Connector Kits are used to install Isolation Transformers into series circuits, and to make serviceable splice connections or test points in L-824 Airfield Lighting Cable on primary power circuits...
L-823 PRIMARY COLORED Connector Kits L-823 PRIMARY COLORED COMPLETE KITS Integro Primary Colored Connector Kits Kits are used to install Isolation Transformers into series circuits, and to make serviceable splice connections or test points in L-824 Airfield Lighting Cable on primary power...
L-861T LED Taxiway Edge Light | FAA Taxiway Edge, Elevated, L-861T L-861T LED Medium Intensity Taxiway Light ELEVATED AIRFIELD LIGHT APPLICATION L-861T LED elevated taxiway light is an omnidirectional blue light that is used to delineate the edges of airport taxiways, holding bays, and aprons. FEATURES •...
L-861 LED Medium Intensity Runway Light L-861, L-861E & L-861SE LED Medium Intensity Runway Light L-861 LED elevated light fixtures are used to delineate the edges of airport runways and displaced thresholds. L-861E LED elevated light fixtures are used to delineate airport runway...