SALE GN-34 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting GN-34 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting This is a FAA approved airport lighting xenon flashlamp in a Par 56 with a clear front lens. It is a 3 screw lug terminal desing that opperates at 2000 volts anode and 60 watts per flash at 2 flashes per second OAL is... $115.00 $112.00 Add to Cart
SALE GN 73 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Tube GN 73 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Tube This lamp is a airport lighting xenon flashlamp on a 5 pin deep shell ceramic base. It is a 4 turn helix with operation at 2000 volts anode, 60 watts per flash and 2 flashes per second. Trigger is... $130.00 $126.50 Add to Cart
SALE GN 34 FT Light Bulb - Airport Lighting GN 34 FT Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Description: This is a FAA approved airport lighting xenon flashlamp in a Par 56 with clear front lens. It is a replacement for the Flash Technology lamp and is a heavy duty design. It is a 3 terminal lamp that... $168.80 $166.00 Add to Cart
SALE GN 80 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting GN80 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting This is a FAA approved airport lighting xenon flashlamp on a 3 pin deep shell base. It is a 4 turn helix operating at 2000 volts anode and 60 watts per flash at 2 flashes per second. OAL is 5". Bulb life is 4 million... $145.00 $143.00 Add to Cart
SALE GN54DSB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp GN54DSB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp Description: This lamp is a airport lighting xenon flashlamp, 2 1/2 turn helix mounted in a potted 8 pin plastic base. Operation is 400 volts anode and 15-20 watts per flash at one flash per second... $28.00 $27.00 Add to Cart
SALE GN 52 FB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Lamp GN 52 FB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Tube Description: This lamp is a airport lighting xenon flashlamp, 2 1/2 turn helix mounted on a flat 8 pin base. Operation is 400 volts anode and 15-20 watts per flash at one flash per second. Trigger... $42.00 $40.50 Add to Cart
SALE GN33Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting GN33Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Description: This is an airport lighting xenon flashlamp. 2 1/2 turn helix mounted on a 3 pin ceramic base with vented glass dome. It is a direct replacement fo the flash technology lamp and operates at... $335.00 $330.00 Add to Cart
SALE GN35Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp GN35Q Light Bulb Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp Description: This is an airport lighting xenon flashlamp. 2 1/2 turn helix mounted on a 3 pin ceramic base with vented dome. It is quartz and operates at 1200 volts anode, 40 flashes per minute and 40... $335.00 $330.00 Add to Cart