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Airfield Lighting Xenon Strobes & Flash Tubes

  • SALE
    GN-34 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Cross Reference AMGLO - HV1-734Q

    GN-34 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting

    GN-34 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting This is a FAA approved airport lighting xenon flashlamp in a Par 56 with a clear front lens. It is a 3 screw lug terminal desing that opperates at 2000 volts anode and 60 watts per flash at 2 flashes per second OAL is...

    $115.00 $112.00
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  • SALE
    GN73 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting

    GN 73 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Tube

    GN 73 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Tube This lamp is a airport lighting xenon flashlamp on a 5 pin deep shell ceramic base. It is a 4 turn helix with operation at 2000 volts anode, 60 watts per flash and 2 flashes per second. Trigger is...

    $130.00 $126.50
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  • SALE
    GN34FT Light Bulb - Airport Lighting (AL-006-0041)

    GN 34 FT Light Bulb - Airport Lighting

    GN 34 FT Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Description: This is a FAA approved airport lighting xenon flashlamp in a Par 56 with clear front lens. It is a replacement for the Flash Technology lamp and is a heavy duty design. It is a 3 terminal lamp that...

    $168.80 $166.00
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  • SALE
    GN 80 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting (AL-012-0044)

    GN 80 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting

    GN80 Light Bulb - Airport Lighting This is a FAA approved airport lighting xenon flashlamp on a 3 pin deep shell base. It is a 4 turn helix operating at 2000 volts anode and 60 watts per flash at 2 flashes per second. OAL is 5". Bulb life is 4 million...

    $145.00 $143.00
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  • SALE
    GN54DSB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp (AL-012-0040)

    GN54DSB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp

    GN54DSB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp Description: This lamp is a airport lighting xenon flashlamp, 2 1/2 turn helix mounted in a potted 8 pin plastic base. Operation is 400 volts anode and 15-20 watts per flash at one flash per second...

    $28.00 $27.00
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  • SALE
    GN52FB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Lamp

    GN 52 FB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Lamp

    GN 52 FB Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Flash Tube Description: This lamp is a airport lighting xenon flashlamp, 2 1/2 turn helix mounted on a flat 8 pin base. Operation is 400 volts anode and 15-20 watts per flash at one flash per second. Trigger...

    $42.00 $40.50
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  • SALE
    xenon flashlamp

GN33Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting (AL-012-0137)

    GN33Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting

    GN33Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Description: This is an airport lighting xenon flashlamp. 2 1/2 turn helix mounted on a 3 pin ceramic base with vented glass dome. It is a direct replacement fo the flash technology lamp and operates at...

    $335.00 $330.00
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  • SALE
    GN35Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting (AL-012-0138)

Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp

    GN35Q Light Bulb - Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp

    GN35Q Light Bulb Airport Lighting Xenon Flash Lamp Description: This is an airport lighting xenon flashlamp. 2 1/2 turn helix mounted on a 3 pin ceramic base with vented dome. It is quartz and operates at 1200 volts anode, 40 flashes per minute and 40...

    $335.00 $330.00
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Airport lighting Flash lamps, flash tubes and strobes are made by Genesis Lamp Corporation.

Flashtubes and strobes are are used in airport runway lighting, approach lights, touchdown zone lighting, runway centerline lights, runway end identifier lights, and obstruction lighting. The replacement lamps are used in sequential or single flash systems such as ALSF and ALSF-II lights, MALSR lights, and REIL light fixtures.

Flashtubes and strobes are are availble in Par 56 and ceramic 3 or 5 pin bases. These airfield lighting bulbs are high voltage light bulbs that operate in the 1200 volts to 2000 volts range. These airport lighting bulbs meet the FAA lighting specs for approach light systems, ALSF lighting, MALSR lighting, REIL lighting, and L-850 fixture requirements.